With this 7-language version of our car exam training you can optimally prepare yourself for the CBR theory exam. These exam training courses are available in several languages, including Arabic, Bulgarian, German, French, Ukrainian, Romanian and Spanish. You will get 10 hours of access to; practice questions per subject, selected difficult exam questions and 40 complete exam training sessions. Just like the CBR theory exam, your training consists of: Hazard Recognition, Traffic Rules (knowledge) and Traffic Insight (knowledge +). Our platform translates the Dutch exercise and exam questions using an automated translation tool (Google Translate).
Recent release from largest publisher
This car licence exam training is published by VekaBest Learning Resources and is the largest textbook publisher for professional driver training. VekaBest has over 30 years of experience in the field of learning resources and provides your ultimate preparation for your exam. Exams and books you buy from us is also always the most up-to-date version.
Handy with this exam training! The textbook for driving licence with which you can perfectly practice the exam theory. Check this over here
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Finally a exam training in Spanish for dutch rules!!
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